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Health Insurance

There are many options available for health insurance coverage and knowing and understanding all of your options can help your lower your health insurance costs. Several popular plans may provide many benefits, as well as certain drawbacks, and understanding these differences can help you determine the right health insurance choice for you and your family.

Health insurance plans can vary greatly, and the coverage you need will depend on your health and specific wants and needs. Knowing the different types of coverage, what the insurance pays, and what the deductibles are is the most important step to saving on your healthcare costs.

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Due to the implementation of Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama care), you are required to purchase health insurance either on your own or through your employer (if applicable); or pay a tax penalty to opt out. The cost and range of protection provided by your health insurance policy will depend on your insurance provider, policy type, and whether or not you qualify for a subsidy based on your household size and income. Lastly, the ACA, states that you cannot be denied coverage or charged a higher premium due a pre-existing health condition.

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